My Knight In Shinning Armour
This girl! ------> Brianna Cote came to us when we first opened, wondering if she could help with our social media content, newsletter creation/maintenance and blog posts! Of course I was thrilled as I found it hard to find time to come up with new ideas and blog content (especially during the busy seasons!)
Shes now started her own business and we want to tell you a bit about her and many talents!

Brianna started crocheting to cope with her diagnosed anxiety in 2016. She launched Cote's Crafts (@cotescrafts) in mid 2017 and fell in love with the community of small business owners during the process. With her love for making and a growing knowledge of social media marketing, she started in a business program with Algonquin College to further her knowledge in the field.
In July of 2018 Brianna joined us and has been helping with our content, blog and email marketing! We have love working with her and think you should try out her services if you are feeling overwhelmed with just how much there is to do as your own kick-ass boss!
Her goal is to make an entrepreneur’s life a little easier by taking tasks off their hands and providing guidance, so they can get back to doing what they love.
Get in contact to hear about her range of services for all budgets.
